Corporate Governance Framework
The Emirates Citizen Bank ( United Arab Emirates ) Ltd’s (the ‘Bank’) Board of Directors is collectively responsible for the Corporate Governance of the Bank and complying with the above guidelines.
Emirates Citizen Bank ( United Arab Emirates ) Ltd adopts best practice control procedures appropriate for an institution of its size and nature incorporating strong and clear corporate governance policies and procedures to ensure and enhance transparency and efficiency, thereby protecting both the shareholder and customers.
The Board is committed to eliminating discrimination and encouraging diversity in appointing Directors to the Board of Emirates Citizen Bank ( United Arab Emirates ) Ltd such that the governing body of the Bank will be truly representative of all sections of society. This commitment is documented in the terms of reference of the Board Remuneration & Nominations Committee.
The Governance framework of the Bank is outlined in the “Corporate Governance Policy” and the Terms of Reference of the Board Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee, the Board Credit Committee, Remuneration & Nominations Committee and the Management Committee, all of which are subject to continuous review and fine-tuning as deemed necessary. These guidelines hinge on the evolving needs and expectations of depositors, regulators, investors and the market at large.